WhatApps/Viber: +65 9693 3897 Email: aneefong@gmail.com or WeChat: -N-nie

Monday 29 July 2013

are YOU feeling OLD?

What is most startling about this realization is that you don't normally "feel that old" but...nevertheless, you know you don't look or feel like the MAN or WOMAN you used to be.

Have you ever thought of this before??? or
Have you seen that??? Or Maybe you have been trying to find the solution???

Momo Breast Firming Ambassador (Behind The Scenes)

Friday 12 July 2013

COCO MOCHA -- The Extraodinary Slimming Experience 体验非一般的身形雕塑,无限享受、无限美丽、无限美好!

Experience the art of body shaping, joyful, beautiful, wonderful! 

为何选择Coco Mocha?
Formulated & Import from the U.S (ingredients from south america)
It is time .....to make a change on your weight..
Experience the art of body shaping, joyful, beautiful, and wonderful!
  • very good effect
  • suppress appetite
  • convert fats into energy
  • averagely 1 week can see the result
  • energy have to use up by mild exercise or else wont work (mild exercise as anything, like walking,climb stairs,housework, & etc ( FOR BEST RESULT)
1 box : 15 pkts
Suggestion Dosage:
Take 1 sachet per day before meal

take the powder directly pour into mouth

- 通过FDA (美国食品与药品安全局)验证
- 100%纯天然
- 品质保证
- 高科技萃取技术
- 高品质上等成分配合完美配方


Coco Mocha- 一个充满无限美好的菱形!

- 快速见效
- 纯天然
- 有效率的处理身体过多脂肪
- 帮助调整健康饮食习惯
- 超级美味,瘦身幸福无限

- 加强心血管功能
- 增添快乐
- 加强脑力
- 补充能量
- 抗氧化
- 控制食欲
- 加强心血管功能
- 增添快乐
- 加强脑力
- 补充能量
- 抗氧化
- 控制食欲
- 将脂肪转换成能量, 通过微量的运动能够有效燃烧
- 将累计已久难以通过运动燃烧的脂肪加以处理,更容易燃烧

FAQ : 

Look here's the product speak by itself........

Im contactable on my cell: +65 9693 3897
email: aneefong@gmail.com
or WE CHAT ID: -N-nie