WhatApps/Viber: +65 9693 3897 Email: aneefong@gmail.com or WeChat: -N-nie

Friday 12 July 2013

COCO MOCHA -- The Extraodinary Slimming Experience 体验非一般的身形雕塑,无限享受、无限美丽、无限美好!

Experience the art of body shaping, joyful, beautiful, wonderful! 

为何选择Coco Mocha?
Formulated & Import from the U.S (ingredients from south america)
It is time .....to make a change on your weight..
Experience the art of body shaping, joyful, beautiful, and wonderful!
  • very good effect
  • suppress appetite
  • convert fats into energy
  • averagely 1 week can see the result
  • energy have to use up by mild exercise or else wont work (mild exercise as anything, like walking,climb stairs,housework, & etc ( FOR BEST RESULT)
1 box : 15 pkts
Suggestion Dosage:
Take 1 sachet per day before meal

take the powder directly pour into mouth

- 通过FDA (美国食品与药品安全局)验证
- 100%纯天然
- 品质保证
- 高科技萃取技术
- 高品质上等成分配合完美配方


Coco Mocha- 一个充满无限美好的菱形!

- 快速见效
- 纯天然
- 有效率的处理身体过多脂肪
- 帮助调整健康饮食习惯
- 超级美味,瘦身幸福无限

- 加强心血管功能
- 增添快乐
- 加强脑力
- 补充能量
- 抗氧化
- 控制食欲
- 加强心血管功能
- 增添快乐
- 加强脑力
- 补充能量
- 抗氧化
- 控制食欲
- 将脂肪转换成能量, 通过微量的运动能够有效燃烧
- 将累计已久难以通过运动燃烧的脂肪加以处理,更容易燃烧

FAQ : 

Look here's the product speak by itself........

Im contactable on my cell: +65 9693 3897
email: aneefong@gmail.com
or WE CHAT ID: -N-nie

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